Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Fitzgerald...

Governor Scott Walker has appointed the father of his closest political cronies, the Fitzgerald brothers (see my previous blog post on these two - http://arismusings.blogspot.com/2010/11/brothers-grim.html), to be the new head of the Wisconsin State Patrol (at an annual salary of $105,678).

Steven Fitzgerald, who is now 68 years old, had tried to run in this past election cycle to attempt to regain his old position as Dodge County Sheriff, but was defeated by a 2-to-1 margin in the Republican primary by the current Sheriff, Todd Nehls. While Fitzgerald was serving as the Dodge County Sheriff back on April 28, 1995, one of his deputies shot and killed Scott Bryant when SWAT kicked in the door of his Beaver Dam home after finding marijuana seeds and stems in his trash. The 28 year old Bryant, who was unarmed and did not resist in any way, died in front of his seven year old son. The county ended up having to pay $950,000 to Bryant’s family to settle for the wrongful death.

According to reports, five current officials at the State Patrol were passed over in order to name Fitzgerald to this post. Those officials are the current Superintendent David Collins, Col. Ben Mendez, Maj. Sandra Huxtable, Maj. Darren Price and Maj. Daniel Lonsdorf.


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